Why Am I Seeing 403 or 404 Errors After Integrating Prerender?

If you encounter 403 or 404 status codes after integrating Prerender and following the guide, you can resolve the issue. Prerender will return these status codes if it receives them while attempting to access the page, which may indicate specific problems with the integration or your account settings.

403 Status Code: Access Denied

This status code might be because your firewall blocks or rate-limits our crawler while trying to fetch your pages or because the Prerender token is not provided in the integration.

Here are some causes and solutions to fix it:

404 Status Code: Not Found

  • The URL rewrite part of the integration is incorrect

    • How to fix it: Check the CDN Analytics menu to see how the URL was rewritten and modify the rewrite section of your integration

  • The requested URL does not exist on the site

    • How to fix it: try to request another URL

  • There is a URL Ignore filter matching the requested URL

    • How to fix it: check if the requested URL matches any of the Ignored URL filters on your account


Still not solving the problem? Email support@prerender.io and we’ll help as best we can.