rerender provides a predefined list of allowed bots in its integrations. While it covers the majority of bots, you might wish to add additional bots to be served by Prerender.
Since every integration is different, the method of adding bots will also differ.
ExpressJS (Javascript) and NuxtJS
ExpressJS (Javascript) and NuxtJS
After you have downloaded the package via npm or yarn, open the index.js
file in :
Then add your desired bot user-agent name to the following list (the following list is not case-sensitive):
prerender.crawlerUserAgents = [
'Yahoo! Slurp',
'quora link preview',
'Google Page Speed',
'Bitrix link preview',
First, locate where prerender_rails is, with the following command :
gem which 'prerender_rails'
After opening the file, add your bot to the @crawler_user_agents
array, then save it :
@crawler_user_agents = [
'quora link preview',
'Google Page Speed',
Look for $http_user_agent $prerender_ua
and add the desired User Agent to the list.
map $http_user_agent $prerender_ua {
default 0;
"~*Prerender" 0;
"~*Google-InspectionTool" 1;
"~*googlebot" 1;
"~*yahoo!\ slurp" 1;
"~*bingbot" 1;
"~*yandex" 1;
"~*baiduspider" 1;
"~*facebookexternalhit" 1;
"~*twitterbot" 1;
"~*rogerbot" 1;
"~*linkedinbot" 1;
"~*embedly" 1;
"~*quora\ link\ preview" 1;
"~*showyoubot" 1;
"~*outbrain" 1;
"~*pinterest\/0\." 1;
"~*\/\+\/web\/snippet" 1;
"~*slackbot" 1;
"~*vkshare" 1;
"~*w3c_validator" 1;
"~*redditbot" 1;
"~*applebot" 1;
"~*whatsapp" 1;
"~*flipboard" 1;
"~*tumblr" 1;
"~*bitlybot" 1;
"~*skypeuripreview" 1;
"~*nuzzel" 1;
"~*discordbot" 1;
"~*google\ page\ speed" 1;
"~*qwantify" 1;
"~*pinterestbot" 1;
"~*bitrix\ link\ preview" 1;
"~*xing-contenttabreceiver" 1;
"~*chrome-lighthouse" 1;
"~*telegrambot" 1;
In the .htaccess file, look for the line RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT}
, then add the User Agent to the list, separated by |
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} Google-InspectionTool|googlebot|bingbot|yandex|baiduspider|facebookexternalhit|twitterbot|rogerbot|linkedinbot|embedly|quora\ link\ preview|showyoubot|outbrain|pinterest\/0\.|pinterestbot|slackbot|vkShare|W3C_Validator|whatsapp|redditbot|applebot|flipboard|tumblr|bitlybot|skypeuripreview|nuzzel|discordbot|google\ page\ speed|qwantify|bitrix\ link\ preview|xing-contenttabreceiver|chrome-lighthouse|telegrambot [NC,OR]
Look for the {HTTP_USER_AGENT}
condition, then add your desired new User Agent to the pattern, divide it with |
Google-InspectionTool|googlebot|bingbot|yandex|baiduspider|facebookexternalhit|twitterbot|rogerbot|linkedinbot|embedly|quora\ link\ preview|showyoubot|outbrain|pinterest\/0\.|pinterestbot|slackbot|vkShare|W3C_Validator|whatsapp|redditbot|applebot|flipboard|tumblr|bitlybot|skypeuripreview|nuzzel|discordbot|google\ page\ speed|qwantify|bitrix\ link\ preview|xing-contenttabreceiver|chrome-lighthouse|telegrambot
Locate and edit the worker you made for Prerender and locate const BOT_AGENTS
in the code, then add your desired User Agent to the end of the list
const BOT_AGENTS = [
'yahoo! slurp',
'quora link preview',
'google page speed',
'bitrix link preview',
As our docker middleware uses Nginx, you will need to open the nginx.conf and locate map $http_user_agent $prerender_ua
and add your desired User Agent to the list
map $http_user_agent $prerender_ua {
default 0;
"~*Prerender" 0;
"~*google-inspectiontool" 1;
"~*googlebot" 1;
"~*yahoo!\ slurp" 1;
"~*bingbot" 1;
"~*yandex" 1;
"~*baiduspider" 1;
"~*facebookexternalhit" 1;
"~*twitterbot" 1;
"~*rogerbot" 1;
"~*linkedinbot" 1;
"~*embedly" 1;
"~*quora\ link\ preview" 1;
"~*showyoubot" 1;
"~*outbrain" 1;
"~*pinterest\/0\." 1;
"~*\/\+\/web\/snippet" 1;
"~*slackbot" 1;
"~*vkshare" 1;
"~*w3c_validator" 1;
"~*redditbot" 1;
"~*applebot" 1;
"~*whatsapp" 1;
"~*flipboard" 1;
"~*tumblr" 1;
"~*bitlybot" 1;
"~*skypeuripreview" 1;
"~*nuzzel" 1;
"~*discordbot" 1;
"~*google\ page\ speed" 1;
"~*qwantify" 1;
"~*pinterestbot" 1;
"~*bitrix\ link\ preview" 1;
"~*xing-contenttabreceiver" 1;
"~*chrome-lighthouse" 1;
"~*telegrambot" 1;