Has your Rendering paused?
  • 17 Mar 2022
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Has your Rendering paused?

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Article summary

All Prerender.io plans have a specific number of renders included. What happens once you reach this limit varies according to your plan. If you are in a paid plan, you will be charged according to the specifications of that plan for every 1000 extra renders. You can read more about it on our Pricing page.

Basic plan

For our Basic plan, which is free, the behavior is different.
This plan provides 1000 renders per month for free. Once you reach this limit, rendering is paused. If you need more renders, you can upgrade your plan via your Dashboard subscription page.

What happens when rendering is paused:

  • Recache paused - cached pages are not refreshed
  • Unable to add new pages to the cache
    • Cannot use Dashboard or API endpoint to add new pages
    • If a bot requests a page that is not in the cache, the service.prerender.io endpoint returns 429 and sets the response header X-Prerender-Reject-Reason:free-limit-reached
  • Cannot recache

If rendering is paused, bots will not receive pages that are not cached or will receive outdated pages, which deteriorates your SEO.

Recaching paused

Recaching can be paused and resumed in the Dashboard settings page. If recaching is paused, we will not refresh the pages in the cache.

Legacy users - Account canceled

If you have a legacy account that has been canceled, please get in touch with our Support team.

When Prerender.io stops serving canceled accounts, the following happens:

  • Recache paused - cached pages are not refreshed
  • Unable to add new pages to the cache
  • service.prerender.io returns 503 and sets the response header X-Prerender-Reject-Reason:invalid-x-prerender-token-provided

Account cancelation

All canceled accounts stop being served by Prerender.io. If not reactivated, you should remove the integration within 30 days; otherwise, search engines might remove your pages from the index.

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