How Can I Integrate Prerender If I'm Using a Hosting Platform That Doesn't Allow Direct Server Access?

The best practice is to integrate Prerender as close to the visitor's end as possible to avoid routing issues. If your site uses a CDN it is recommended as an integration point. You can find our CDN integration guides here: 

Usually, hosting providers don't allow direct server access to shared hosting environments for security reasons. For integrations with web server softwares like Apache or Nginx, read on.

Apache Integration

Details: Apache integration guide.

When using Apache, domain owners have the ability to access and edit their .htaccess files. Depending on your hosting provider's settings, you may also be able to enable the necessary modules if they are installed. However, you will need the 'SSLProxyEngine on' directive in the Virtual Host configuration file, which is usually not accessible to users. If these directives are already set up, you should be able to successfully integrate Prerender with Apache.

You can edit the .htaccess based on the Apache integration guide file from the file manager menu of your control panel or via FTP/SFTP.
To enable the Apache modules in your control panel:

  • In cPanel:
    •  Search for "Select PHP Version" or "MultiPHP INI Editor"
    •  Look for a section on Apache modules or handlers
    • Check boxes next to modules to enable them
    • Save changes
  • In Plesk:
    • Go to "Tools & Settings" > "Apache Web Server"
    • Find the "Modules" section
    • Check boxes next to modules to enable them
    • Click "Apply" to save changes
  • In DirectAdmin:
    • Go to "Server Manager" or "Admin Tools"
    •  Look for "Apache Configuration" or "Apache Modules"
    •  Select modules to enable
    •  Save changes and restart Apache if prompted

If the .htaccess file is not accessible the required Apache modules are not installed or cannot be enabled, or possibly the 'SSLProxyEngine on' directive is not added to the vhost config of your domain, don't hesitate to get in touch with your hosting provider's support team for help.

Nginx Integration

Details: Nginx integration guide.

To integrate with Nginx, you need to modify the configuration files. However, this may not be possible if you have limited access. In such cases, it’s best to contact your hosting provider. Ask them if they can make the necessary changes for you.