Title Element
  • 20 Oct 2023
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Title Element

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Article summary

One of the most critical SEO elements is the <title>My Site</title>. This defines not only the browser tab's title but commonly has the strongest influence in SEO categorization.

Crawlers will look for this element and use it to display your page in search results.

  • Define the <title>My Site</title> Element (-10 points): It is essential to include a meaningful and relevant <title> element that accurately reflects your page's content. Failure to do so results in a score deduction of -10 points.

  • Truncated Title in SERPS (-5 points): If the title displayed in Search Engine Results Pages (SERPS) is too long and gets truncated, it may negatively affect user engagement. A score deduction of -5 points is applied for this issue.

  • Perfect Title (+5 points): Crafting a well-optimized and concise title that effectively represents your page's content is rewarded with a score increase of +5 points.

Example implementation:

<title>Samsung Television Sale - My Commerce</title>

Best Practices:
To ensure the optimal presentation and SEO performance of your page, it's recommended to follow these best practices:

  • Nesting in the <head> Element: Always place the <title> element within the <head> section of your HTML document. The scorer will reduce your page's score if the title is not in its designated place.

  • Language and Character Set: As a best practice, set the language of your page using the attribute and define the character set encoding with <meta charset="UTF-8">. Then, set the <title> element right after these declarations for the most SEO-friendly configuration.

Optimal implementation:

<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <title>Samsung Television Sale - My Commerce</title>

By following these guidelines for the Title element, you can improve your webpage's SEO score and enhance its visibility in search results.

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