How to avoid Google Disapproval and ensure prices and availability are correct
  • 15 Dec 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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How to avoid Google Disapproval and ensure prices and availability are correct

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Article summary

If the prices and availability on the landing page don't match the products' prices and availability, Google may disapprove them, negatively affecting your ranking.
As Prerender caches the pages depending on your settings for days, you might get the same issue if the cached version of your pages contains outdated prices and availability.

Solution: Recache the pages

To resolve this you will need to recache the product page so that the cached version has the correct price and availability on it.

Best practice

The best practice is using our /recache API endpoint if possible adding it to your workflow so that changing the price or availability of the product will also trigger the API call.
This way the cached version will always have the correct information.

API Documentation
More information on the API endpoints is available on our documentation page

Related articles: 

- Cache Expiration 

How to change the speed of the render queue

- What can I do with Rest API? 

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