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How to Reduce the Number of Pages
If you want to reduce the number of unique URLs in your account, the best approach is to change the Prerender® integration to only forward URLs accessible to crawlers.
Common Mistakes
1) Forwarding internal services to rendering.
Please verify that your integration only forwards publicly available URLs to our service.
2) Forwarding the administration site for rendering.
Over the years, we have seen numerous administration panels forwarded to us for rendering but be assured we don't have access to your login data or protected content.
But those renders still increase your usage, so we recommend filtering them in your integration's configuration.
Configure Ignored Params
We have already configured a set of standard tracking params for you to be ignored, but we cannot determine which params your site uses for logic or tracing.
Removing URL params like ?session_id=
will improve your rendering effectiveness. You can read more about this here.
Remove Dead Links
It's not just bad for your SEO and UX; having dead links around your site will cause the crawlers to visit and render dead pages. If your site responds with a non-OK code, we will not cache the requested URL, but it will cause your rendering bill to go up.
You can improve your cost-effectiveness if you purge those links, and your visitors will benefit from a better UX, reducing your bounce rate.
To prevent misunderstanding, we would like to point out that removing URLs from the cache but not changing the integration will result in those URLs being fed back by your integration over time.
Ignored URLs section in Cache Manager
This section allows you to implement 'Contains' and 'Wildcard' rules for URLs you don't want to cache.
All URLs matching the rules will not be cached, and we will respond with a 404 instead.
Before setting the rule, you can always test your URL to check if it matches.
URL Parameters section in Cache Manager
To reduce the number of cached pages, you can always cache URLs containing different values for query parameters under the same URL.
The parameters need to be added to this section as shown in the default example:
If you'd like to disable all query parameters and only whitelist certain onesYou can do that also from the Url Parameters settings with one of the three options at the top.